“Vital Breath” - Shamanic Breathing is a powerful healing process that inspires individuals to remember and reconnect with their own inner healer. As old wounds and dysfunctional patterns are released and transformed, individuals begin to regain lost soul parts and remember the magic of who they truly are. Empowerment brings wholeness and healing back into their own lives, to the lives of those they love, and to the world at large.
“Vital Breath” – Shamanic Breathing honors and blends the timeless wisdom of ancient traditions with the emerging new paradigm methods of healing and teaching. It functions as the rainbow bridge between these two worlds honoring the best of both worlds while creating a bridge for body, mind, heart, and spirit.
In the past, and still in some remote areas, the Shaman was sought out much as a physician, counselor or minister is today. In the Shamanic tradition of old, the healer (Shaman) attempted to restore healing and balance to others by performing sacred rites or ceremonies which usually included prayers, songs and chants. They would also journey into other realms while being assisted by power animals, spirit guides and allies.
The process begins by establishing sacred space through various rituals and ceremonies such as smudging with sage, cedar and sweet grass while offering prayerful invocations. Individuals lie down and focus on surrendering to the healer (Shaman) within, calling upon that which is most sacred and holy to them, such as guides, power animals and higher power. The drumming then begins which leads into a powerful musical journey varying in length from one to two hours.
Every person’s experience is highly individualized and no two are ever the same. Some of the states of consciousness reported range from Divine, otherworldly bliss states to the struggle to be released from negative forces in the psyche. Rebirthing is a common occurrence, as is the life review where one relives or observes their lifetime experiences. Old patterns of dysfunction may be brought to the surface. Addictions are sometimes healed during this process as feelings such as grief, fear, rage and anxiety are released.
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BBTRS® calls on the power of all of the body’s systems. Our 6-Element approach supports your body’s unique needs at any given moment. This creates a flexible and dynamic experience that goes deeper than traditional therapies.
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