"I didn't know that it was possible to go on a healing journey with only my breath, and now the possibilities are endless with what I learned and discovered there"
“The stress of working in a fast-paced environment such as automotive manufacturing has made it difficult for me to breathe normally for a long time. However, after attending this retreat I am now able to catch a full breath of ai with ease. In my whole life, I’ve never been able to release so much stress and anxiety.”
I encourage you to attend our next retreat because it will be life changing and it will be a forever memory filled with compassion,fun, love, new ideas, great people and tons of new friends.
“I couldn’t stop smiling. I was happy, genuinely gut-happy like a child. I felt as if the thicket and prickles of pain in my heart had been removed and now the space in there was smooth and no longer taken up by those feelings. I felt more energy and space to take in love or give love out….B.T.W. It’s a month later and I am still smiling!”
“I have studied similar deep breathing meditations that are all very functional in pulling up emotional trauma and fear so that it can be released from the body, heart and mind. This extensive meditation is unique because it involves holding space as well as pressure point and energy hands on healing techniques to assist in the healing journey of the participant…I feel every practitioner in the healing arts should experience this practice and the combination of modalities that are used!”
UBU Today is a non-profit organization that provides education, resources, workshops and access to world-renowned natural techniques as a springboard for renewed personal growth, hope and healing.
We believe people don’t have to suffer.
We believe that a healthy, mind, body and spirit is a human right.
UBU Today currently offers individual Breathwork sessions & 1/2 to 5 day workshops.
Who Can Participate? Everyone
Do you suffer from:
"Trauma is Trauma."
Wendy Jo Morrison ~ UBU Today Founder
UBU Today is the first to bring these cutting edge & natural approaches to the United States.
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BBTRS® calls on the power of all of the body’s systems. Our 6-Element approach supports your body’s unique needs at any given moment. This creates a flexible and dynamic experience that goes deeper than traditional therapies.
Offering these often intangible, natural and deeply transformational experiences in the U.S. is what makes UBU Today unique in the arena.
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