Wendy Jo Morrison, also known as Jo Morris, is the founder of UBU Today. She is an ...
UBU Today's mission and vision is to increase awareness, educate and offer untraditional and holistic avenues to ...
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Individuals who develop authentic depth in their nature awareness will also notice they cause waves in the world around them...
BioDynamic Breath® is built on new approach to trauma release. This profound and revolutionary system of body...
During a short interview we establish how trauma is held in your system and how it effects the quality...
Ocular Segment: All the muscles of the eyes and eyeballs, the forehead, the cheeks, the scalp, temples and the occipital...
Shamanic Breathing is a powerful healing process that inspires individuals to remember and reconnect...
UBU Today employs the use of sound in its healing practices in the form of music, chanting, Tibetan bowl events...
Everyone has a natural capacity to experience well-being, strength, and confidence...
Cocoon is a physical and meditative, shamanic experience that will transform and connect the body’s vital energy...
A snuggle party is an event where participants share consensual, nurturing touch. Everyone is...
Ecstatic dancing is a transformative free-form dance journey where people can feel supported in...
The Path of Love is an intensive, loving and liberating process in which participants...
Awakening of Love is a gentle and unique 2-3 day workshop designed to shake the dust off your...
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For survivors of extreme trauma, those experiences can have long-lasting effects on their health...
The unexpressed trauma of past experiences stored in the musculature and...
To begin, one must understand how breathing and oxygen affect every cell in your body. Breathing involves one of only nine...
Sound healing has been around for centuries; however, modern neuroscience is only just beginning to get a glimpse of its potential...
Therapeautic touch is a healing modality where practitioners use their hands to support physical, emotional, and mental health...
Devotedly of mindfulness meditation—often described as non-judgemental attention to present moment experiences...
The tantric massage targets three levels: physical, emotional and spiritual, in order to find this...
Bioenergetic Analysis is a body-oriented form of psychotherapy. A direct descendent of Reichian therapy...